Breathing Again

I have been absent for quite some time, and had always assumed that my blog followers understood my circumstances from visiting my Facebook page ( I was wrong about that, and now understand that many of you who have been so loyal to Lumby have been left in the dark. For that, I apologize.

Stepping back: March 31st of last year, Art Poulin, my husband, closest friend and business partner of 20 years, passed away, just eight weeks after being diagnosed with glioblastoma brain cancer. Immediately thereafter, I sold Lazy Goose, packed up my life and headed south to where Art and I were planning to live. Although the arc of grief was painful and exhausting, after about eight months, the clouds lifted enough for me to look around and start to get my bearings. Slowly, I began to rebuild a new life based on friendships, purpose and passions.

I now live in Naples, Florida, and am fulfilled and happy, although I always feel Art’s absence.  Every morning, I either long distance swim or golf, and every afternoon I am working in my office. Most of my focus has been on managing Art’s portfolio – his originals (, his international licenses, etc – and meeting our contractual commitments. Recently, I have found time enough to blow the dust off my manuscript and reread Between Lumby and God. It’s about six chapters away from completion of the first draft. When done, it will go through rewrite and copy edit, and finally, publication. But at least it is now on my desk.

So, I suppose all I can say is that sometimes we are dealt cards that we never ever expect to be handed. And it’s devastating. In those times, we can only do our best to move forward, first in inches, and then in feet. I ask for your patience during this process.

Thank you for your continued loyalty to Lumby, and I hope to hear from you soon.


  1. eloise g james

    So sorry for your loss. I’m still a strong fan of you and your books and I will wait patiently for your next book. Take all the time you need.

    prayerfully yours
    Eloise james

  2. Donna Copeland

    I am sorry to hear about Art’s passing. I loved the first 3 Lumby books, just dug them out for my husband to read. In the middle of the first book he asked “are there any more?” I had not thought to look! Happily we just received 4,5 and 6 yesterday. Learned 7 and 8 will be forthcoming. Yay! Thank you so much for these books! 2 devoted fans in Walla Walla WA

  3. Patricia Aspenberg

    Sorry for your loss of your dear husband Art. My husband and I have been working in one of the Lumby puzzles and I thought I would look you and Art up and see how you were doing. May our Lord guide you and bless you, hugs!

  4. Heather P in Michigan

    Gail – I am so sorry for your loss! Thank you for caring about all of us out here who love your work, especially during this hard time. I for one will patiently and lovingly await the return of Lumby and pray for you and Art both. (I lost my dad to glioblastoma 15 years ago and miss him so still…)

  5. Sarah

    Dear Gail,

    I am so sorry to hear of your husband’s passing. I hope you are doing well amid this chaos caused by the Corona virus.

    Recently, my family and I lost a close friend to the virus; he had suffered a severe stroke the beginning of March and contracted the virus while he was in the hospital. I feel so bad for his wife, kids, and grandkids, but his wife insisted on seeing him more hours before he passed and even though he was in a coma I hope seeing him one last time brought her some comfort. The next day, my fiance, his family, and I lost his father who, at almost 83, lost his fight against Cancer…it was a return of the 5th Cancer he fought and right up to the end he kept his sense of humor. Both of these losses were compounded by the Corona virus and churches being closed and the rules and fears that have resulted. There will be memorials this summer and my wedding, I hope, in July. We buried my fiance’s father and had a very small gathering at the cemetery with a retired Priest who has connections to the parish we belong to.

    Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and how much I love and appreciate your Lumby books.

    With love & admiration,


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